When deciding to stop working and start your own business, one thing that needs to be addressed is health costs. How will it be financed? One of them is taking health insurance. What is the best health insurance? What is a good family health insurance? What kind of – kind of insurance? Where can I give birth insurance?
But the issue is, how to choose the best health insurance. How we, as a layman, can determine and choose good health insurance.
With that in view, the review is conducted on the offer of four reputable insurance companies, namely Allianz Health insurance, AXA health insurance, Manulife health insurance and Cigna health insurance and Prudential Health Insurance (update 2019).
Its fifth is a well-known provider and has the most extensive network of hospital partnerships.
Each of us see and compare the benefits and premiums one with the other.
Health insurance is an insurance that provides reimbursement for health if the policyholder is hospitalized due to illness or accident. The amount of reimbursement corresponds to the number of bills of the hospital with certain limit limits based on the insurance plan taken.
Insurance is an important part of managing family finances.
Health insurance is different from critical illness insurance. Critical illness insurance provides cash compensation if you suffer from certain critical illnesses. Cash benefit is given one-time lump-sum.
Before looking at each of these offerings, it's a good idea to first discuss what the ideal criteria would look like. After that, we can determine which health insurance is good.
Best Health Insurance 2019
According to the various literature and opinions of financial planners, things worth considering in determining good health insurance are:
With cashless, replacement claims are becoming easier. When you are hospitalized, you do not have to pay, but simply settle the bill by swiping the insurance card. There is no need to pay upfront, which then still has to be reimbursed to the insurance (reimbursement).
However, this cashless requires the hospital where you are treated already in cooperation with the insurer because the hospital must have and install the machine to swipe the insurance card. If not cooperative, although the insurance has a cashless claim system, you are forced to keep paying upfront and then settle with reimbursement.
Wide Network Hospitals
Cashless claims can not be done in hospitals that do not have cooperation with insurance. Therefore, choose insurance that has a network of cooperation with many hospitals. Make sure the hospital subscription (if any) in cooperation with the health insurance to be selected.
Proper ceiling and premium
Ideally, the health insurance is chosen as desired. If the scheme taken is lower, when later hospitalized, you will need to issue an additional fee to cover a deficiency that is not guaranteed insurance.
Of course, the height of the ceiling relates straight to the magnitude of the premium. The more expensive the hospital room price, the more expensive the premiums. Adjust the premium with the ability, don't even burden your finances. Must be ready to trade-off between premiums and ceiling. Although it is often not easy, because of health problems, for example, hospital room selection, people are more emotional and tend to want comfortable and good, which implies the price of the room is expensive.
Pure Health Insurance
Choose a stand-alone health insurance, not a unit-link life insurance rider. Why? Expensive. In the unit-link, the premium will be divided for life insurance, investment and new health insurance. The portions for health are small, so you have to pay more for the higher ceiling. Not to mention, some unit-link fees are not small, which further reduces health premiums.
In pure insurance (see what is pure insurance here), the premium is allocated solely-the eyes for the coverage of health costs and deductions also not at the cost of the unit-link, so that the premium becomes cheaper or the value of coverage becomes Higher. If you want proof, compare the value of coverage and the amount of premium between pure health insurance and health insurance that becomes a unit-link.
Prioritize inpatient
Health costs include outpatient and hospitalization. It is best to focus on insurance that covers the cost of hospitalization because this treatment is the greatest cost. If you have more money, you can take additional outpatient insurance.
No Limit per treatment
Some limits or limits limit the maximum number of health costs claimed. Generally, insurance applies two types of limit, first is the combined limit of all treatments and the second is a limit per treatment. For example, the first limit limits the combined cost of all maintenance costs $ 250 million in a year, while the second limit limits the cost of surgical treatment 10 million a year, consultation costs $ 10 million a year and so on.
There is insurance that only uses the first limit, some are only the second limit and some are using both limits simultaneously. We recommend that you choose insurance that applies the first limit, or in other words, does not limit the cost per treatment. This means that flexible policyholders have a variety of treatments during the total limit. Insurance that limits with the first limit and the second limit, of course, the least ideal.
Pay attention to credit card Auto Debit payments
Although it seems easy and usually a premium paid monthly (if it looks lighter), please be careful to make payments with auto-debit credit card (want to know how to manage credit cards, see here). If you are forced to use this method because insurance does not provide alternative payments, make sure you know when the payment starts and how it will be if you want to stop.
Avoid taking health insurance via phone
Health insurance offers via telemarketing began to emerge in plural. It usually works with credit card issuers. Related to a fairly complex product, such as this insurance, you should ponder, analysis and if you do research, before making a decision. Therefore, I do not recommend making an immediate decision when bidding by telemarketing. I had a quick experience and it was a short time that the bidding process, so much detail info could not be conveyed because of limited times. If you are interested and need some time to think about it, you can ask for the contact number of the insurance, which you can call when you are ready.
Disease waiting period
Health insurance requires a waiting period, some diseases cannot be claimed for a certain period from the date of insurance validity. For example, Cigna stipulates the following diseases can be claimed 12 months later, i.e. asthma; TBC (Tuberculosis); Kidney stones, urinary tract, and bladder; High blood (hypertension), heart and blood vessels; Diabetes (Diabetic Mellitus); Vertigo and others. Ask the insurance of what the disease enters the waiting period and how long.
Family Health Insurance
The Umunya, people take health insurance, not only for themselves but also for the family. It is therefore necessary to choose good and inexpensive family health insurance with respect to: (1) The best health insurance for families; (2) The family premium is cheaper; (3) Cashless facilities for families; (4) Good health insurance for children, because the expenditure of cost for the treatment of children is usually the greatest.

Judging health insurance
My family health insurance Program is 3 family members, husband (age 41), wife (age 41) and daughter (age 5). The inpatient room charge is $53 per day. The benefits of each – each insurance is presented in the table below.
ALLIANZ Insurance
Total Allianz Health Insurance premiums per year is $805 for hospitalization. Interestingly, the limitation of in-room hospitalization costs $53 to 180 days a year, including the highest among others. However, Allianz applies a limit per treatment which varies depending on the type of care. Meanwhile, the total limit limitation for combined maintenance does not exist. Cashless system.
More can check-in Allianz's health insurance.
AXA Health Insurance
AXA Health Insurance has a total premium of $907 per year for hospitalization. Although more expensive among others, AXA insurance does not apply any limit per treatment. Treatment is payable in receipt of a combined limit of $5726.23 million per year. There is a total combined limit of one year worth $17894.47 per person. Inpatient with room for $53 per day maximum of 60 days a year, fewer than Allianz. Cashless system.
More checks on AXA health insurance.
AXA Health Insurance discussed is provided by AXA General Insurance, not by AXA Financial Services and AXA Financial US.
AXA Insurance in US is registered and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and is part of the AXA Group, one of the world's largest insurance and asset management companies.
AXA Asuransi provides general insurance coverage, which is home insurance and its contents, vehicles, travel, health and personal accident for private and family.
Update 2019:

One of the AXA insurance Innovations in 2019 is to buy insurance online. Currently, you are logged into the AXA insurance website and can purchase insurance online.
Not only purchase insurance, AXA Insurance website also provides facilities to make online claims. The ways and requirements of the document to make the claim are fully outlined in the online claim procedure.
AXA Insurance products sold online are as follows:
Health insurance. AXA Hospital Plus Life is a health and life insurance that can be submitted online. This product provides the benefits of reimbursement of hospitalization expenses and compensation of grief and the benefit of a 100% premium return in the 12th year.
Insurance. AXA LIFE & SAVE is a life insurance product that provides protection to the customers of Maslahat dies and Maslahat If the insured remains alive until the end of the protection period.
Car insurance. AXA SmartDrive protects vehicles with comprehensive vehicle insurance and extensive benefits.
Travel insurance. AXA SmartTraveller is an online travel insurance that protects travel delays; Protection against baggage and personal belongings; and travel reduction. AXA Travel Insurance US is required, one of them, as a condition of applying for a European Schengen visa.
Online insurance purchase has several advantages, namely:
First, there is no need to meet sales insurance agents, because, for some people, relations with agents is not fun. Therefore, for those of you who are interested to buy insurance but do not want to connect with the agent, buy online insurance can be the solution.
Secondly, buy online is not limited time and place. You can do it anytime, don't have to make an appointment at a specific place and time.
Digital insurance helps people outside Java, which is possible during this time access to insurance products is still limited. We understand that insurance penetration is still in Java, while the need for insurance protection is all over US.
Thirdly, the opportunity to get a cheap premium because with online you can do a comparison of insurance premiums between products one with other products easily, without having to go to the insurance company one by one.
Fourth, in the online purchase, you get access to product reviews. You can read reviews of insurance products from people who have previously submitted the product.
CIGNA Insurance
Cigna Asuransi is a life insurance company registered and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK), founded in 1990 and a subsidiary of Cigna Corporation of the United States.
At the end of the year 2017, Cigna Insurance has a solvency rate ratio or RBC (Risk-Based Capital) of 784% above government regulation by 120%.
Cigna has family health insurance, namely Family EaziCare. Premiums are determined by how much compensation per day and age is the eldest. For example, in this example, compensation per day of $51 and the oldest age 41 years, then the premium per month is $51 (details see in premium Cigna) or a year $615 for a maximum of five members. The price is not cheap, especially can give coverage up to five family members.
However, this form of benefits in Cigna insurance is somewhat different, namely cash compensation. When treated, the compensation per day was given a lump-sum by Cigna, for example, $0.0573 thousand, for a maximum of 60 days, no matter what the room cost and the actual maintenance costs incurred.
That is, less or more depends on the difference in the total cost of room and maintenance costs compared to the amount of compensation. Although the premiums look cheap, the benefits are smaller than other more expensive insurance. Cashless system.
This Cigna health insurance product in my opinion is suitable for you who (1) because financial limitations have not been able to pay expensive premiums, but would like to have health insurance protection; or (2) have health insurance from the office but feel less and want to add protection to health costs.
Cigna Insurance "Premium Health Protection"
For more comprehensive health insurance products, Cigna provides the "Cigna Premium Health Protection", which provides benefits such as:
Outpatient benefits. Start the cost of a general practitioner, specialist doctor, examination fee, laboratory to the cost of medicines.
Daily hospitalization benefits. Start the daily cost of hospitalization, ICU, surgery, and consultation to medical tests after hospitalization.
Overseas care access. Access to extensive health protection ranging from US, Singapore, Malaysia to Thailand.
Routine health screening.Every 2 years, to facilitate you and your family in anticipating or detecting health disorders as early as possible.
Cigna Premium Health Protection provides a choice of health protection benefits that can be tailored to your needs and family, ranging from $0.032 – $0.075 million per year with premiums ranging from $0.057 thousand per month.
Family Health Insurance "Cigna Family Care"
In 2019, I check Cigna insurance offers a pretty good family health insurance, which is CIGNA FAMILY CARE.
Cigna Family Health Care Insurance provides family health protection, which can protect up to 5 insured people — or five members of the Nucleus family, namely the head of the family, spouse and three children — in a policy with One premium.
Cigna Benefits of Family health insurance are (1) daily benefits of hospital care ranging from $21 – 1.2 million,-per insured; (2) Daily benefit of inpatient in ICU starting from $65 – Rp 2.4 million,-per insured; (3) Surgical benefit, provided when the insured requires surgical action, either caused by illness or accident, with the benefit per event starting from $429 – Rp 24 million,-per insured; (4) outpatient after hospital treatment, which is given after the insured is hospitalized at least 5 days or more in the hospital and will be paid according to the bill until the maximum benefit limit. This benefit applies only to outpatient events that occur within 30 days of the insured's completion of hospitalization.
All benefits are cashless family health insurance except outpatient after hospital care i.e. reimbursements.
Manulife as one of the best insurance in US offers health insurance that is a rider or additional term life insurance. Although it is not pure health insurance, the program has an interesting benefit, not inferior to pure insurance. Total Premium per year is $705 for hospitalization. In addition to the cheaper premiums from Allianz and AXA, the room costs are also higher, which is $57 per day with maximum hospitalization 60 days a year. However, Manulife has a relatively low limit per treatment, although there is no limit on the combined limits a year.
Manulife provides two benefits at once, life insurance and health insurance. Life insurance benefits Here are not unit-link because there is no element of investment. In addition to the protection of health costs, you get life insurance protection worth Rp 600 million. We know that some other health insurance also provides compensation if the insured dies. But the number is small. None of the coverage is provided by Manulife.
Finding the best insurance in US
The four of them apply the cashless system, a family health insurance with inpatient facilities and not a unit-link. So for these criteria, everything is pretty good. Let's look at the other criteria.
Ceiling (flafond)
AXA is most ideal because of the substantial maintenance limit with one limit (No limit is broken – breakage per treatment), while others apply different limits for each treatment. Allianz and Manulife There is no total limit per year but limit with per treatment limit per year. For Manulife, because it provides additional life insurance coverage, we can reduce the life insurance coverage that we already have and use its excess to increase the health insurance premium. Cigna limits both the limit per treatment and the total limit. From the side of the ceiling, Cigna is the least because it gives it in the form of cash compensation (cash plan), which does not reimburse the cost of hospitalization and doctor fees.
Premi (cost)
The most inexpensive is Cigna because in addition to the smallest amount, with a premium of as low as the coverage can reach 5 family members (2 parents and 3 children). Meanwhile, other insurances, the premiums are more expensive, and only for 3 family members (more members, premium is higher again). But, back again, premiums relate to benefits.
Hospital Network
All of them have extensive cooperation. Information for AXA and Manulife.
Choose good health insurance?
Depends. If you don't have insurance yet, my advice is to choose between Allianz, AXA or Manulife because they have the ideal ceiling. Meanwhile, if you already have insurance from the office and want to increase the coverage, advise me to take Cigna because it is the most economical with adequate coverage.
What if we need health insurance for our parents? Check out the article on elderly health insurance protects up to 79 years of age.
The importance of health and costly costs of medication makes this cost-protecting insurance an important part of every family's financial planning. Especially if there are no health facilities from the place of work. Be sure to choose the insurance that best suits your needs and abilities, carefully. At least use the above description as a guide. Good pick! Want to know more information and what is the forecast of insurance premiums for you.
Manulife: MiUltimate HealthCare, Cashless Health insurance change on bill
Manulife launches its latest pure health insurance product, MiUltimate HealthCare (UHC). This health insurance has some features that are better than insurance – other health insurance.
This is a cashless health insurance that performs the payment according to the health bill (as charged) with an annual limit, without an inner limit.
Manulife explained that this insurance provides basic benefits that are benefits of hospital care and benefits of choice namely outpatient benefits, benefits of dental care, and benefits of childbirth.
Parents ' entry age is 18 – 70 years; Children: 6 months – 17 years old.
Premium Payment methods: Yearly, Semiannual, Quarterly, and monthly
The advantage over other health insurance is the following
#1 change according to Bill without Inner Limit
In general, health insurance applies an inner limit, which is the limit of limits for each hospital admission.
For example, the room plan $46 in health insurance has an inner limit of 9.8 million for drug and laboratory costs (various hospital care fees) and an annual limit of 215 million (for all substitutions, not only drugs and labs only).
That is, if the hospital admission, the maximum cost of the drug and the lab on the cover is 9.8 million. Moreover, the cost of participants is borne even though the yearly limit still exists.
With Manulife Mi Ultimate Health, all drug bills and labs will be replaced because there is no inner limit. There is only an annual limit.
Plan Room $45 at Manulife MiUC has an annual limit of $1 M. That is, regardless of the cost of the drug and lab will be covered during the annual limit is still available.
For example, admission to hospital costs 50 million, Manulife will be charged for it because it is still in the annual limit.
If you use health insurance that has an inner limitation (e.g. 9.8 million), the bill 50 million will not be replaced all.
You can see that health insurance that is without an inner limit is more profitable.
#2 there is no limit on the number of days inpatient in 1 year
Health insurance generally sets the maximum number of days hospitalized in 1 year. There are 120 days or 150 days.
If the number of days of hospitalization has passed the limit, the insurance will not reimburse, although the annual limit still exists.
ultimate Healthcare Insurance does not limit the number of days in a hospital stay. As long as the annual limit is still available, participants can continue hospitalization.
#3 automatic Plan Room up 3x folding (no premium added) if abroad
Manulife provides a room fee of 3x from the plan chosen when treated worldwide (excluding the United States).
For example, you choose a room plan $ 0.035 thousand, then when the treatment abroad the benefit of the room automatically rises 3x, which is Rp 1.5 million (no additional cost).
This is of course helpful because the rooms abroad are more expensive.
#4 Discount Family Insurance
Manulife provides a premium discount of 5% when involving members of your family (family plan) for a minimum of 3 insured and discount applies to all premiums paid.
For example, one family consists of 3 people, just bought 1 MHC policy. No need to buy 3 police.
Because this is a pure health insurance, participants also do not need to buy life insurance or investment to participate. Just buy 1 health insurance policy.
#5 protection up to age 80 years
Manulife provides long-lasting protection, aged 80 years. All participants are protected until age 80 years during the premium payment smoothly.
#6 additional 1 billion Limit (free) for critical illness
If subjected to critical illness, Manulife Mi Ultimate Healthcare provides additional limits.
Interestingly, the additional limit is no additional premium. You don't have to pay more for this.
For example, the yearly limit is $ 1M. Then the critical illness, Manulife automatically added a limit of $ 1M SD $ 2 M (depending on the plan), so that the total limit to $ 2 M – $ 3 M.
Critical illness that gets extra limit is cancer, heart attack, kidney failure, transplant, Organ.
#7 Physiotherapy and Diagnostic test fee (CT San) covered
ultimate provides a replacement that is not generally provided by health insurance.
First in US that offers new benefits:
Physiotherapy treatment Fee (60 days from hospital exit date)
Diagnostic test fee (care before hospitalization, 30 days before hospital admission) reconstruction surgery due to mastectomy or accident
Care cost by nurses (max 30 days after surgery or ICU as part of after-hospitalization treatment fee)
Traditional Chinese Medicine (optional)
Physiotherapy and Chiropractic Care (optional)
#8 Individual Maternity Insurance
One option is MiUltimate health insurance offering individual maternity insurance as additional insurance. Insurance that covers maternity costs for mothers.
You can have an insurance facility to give birth to individual participants in MiUltimate, which usually during the period of childbirth or maternity insurance is only provided if participating health insurance company.
Of course, there is an additional premium over the premium Manulife regular for the insurance that covers the delivery. Make sure you know about insurance for childbirth and not maternity insurance.
#9 What is Preminya? $ 8 – 12 million for 3 family members
Are the premiums expensive? Not too.
This is an example of ultimate Healthcare health insurance for three family members (husband, wife, and child).
It is officially $12 million a year.
Update 2019:
Manulife Health Insurance has several provisions in the policy that need to be understood by potential policyholders. This health insurance set a waiting period, i.e. the claim can not be done during the waiting period, as follows:
30 days for the whole disease
90 days for special cancerous diseases, if diagnosed then not borne forever. Meaning: In the case of cancer before 90 days it will not be covered forever, but if cancer occurs after 90 days of policy, then the cancer will be covered 12 months later.
12 months to 17 special diseases, benefits of childbirth and HIV/AIDS
Manulife Health insurance dos not cover immunization fees, vaccinations, food supplements, and others. Karen This fee is not a disease and has been described in the health insurance policy.
Manulife Health Insurance Benefits 2019
The room fee is available from $0.035 thousand SD $ 3 million per day. Total limit coverage from $ 1 billion SD $ 3 billion per year.
Manulife Health Insurance 2019
Clause ' exclusion '
In the health insurance policy, one of the most important things to read is the clause on the ' exclusion '. This ' exclusion ' clause essentially regulates some things that cannot be claimed.
Based on the policy and health insurance proposal that I read there is an exclusion clause stating that the insurance company will not pay insurance benefits in terms of treatment and/or treatment-related to:
- All treatment and/or treatment-related to Pre-existing diseases or injuries
- including its complications.
- Special diseases, unless the policy has been valid for 12 (twelve) consecutive months.
- Organ transplantation, including all treatments and/or treatments related to organ transplantation.
- All supporting tools or artificial aids or synthetic materials are either outside or attached to the body.
- The Dialisa, including all treatments and/or treatments related to the Dialisa.
- Treatment and experimental, traditional and/or alternative treatments outside the Western medical sciences are not limited to acupuncture (unless done by the doctor), Since, shamans fractures, psychics, chiropractors, naturopath, holistic and Like.
- Psychiatric or nerve disorders include psychosis, neurosis, stress, depression, psychogeriatrics, and physiological or psychosomatic manifestations, drug abuse treatment, drug and/or alcohol addiction.
- Clause ' Major ' above is one example that I take from a health insurance proposal. However, in general, the contents of this ' exclusion ' clause are almost identical among insurance companies.
- Before taking health insurance, the best way is to first read the exclusion clause set by the relevant insurance company.
The insurance company provides a ' free-look ' period during a certain time to policyholders where the policyholders can study the policy and are allowed to cancel the insurance policy if deemed necessary with a premium Without having any pieces.
Health insurance: Why claims are rejected (2019)
One of the most frequently discussed topics about health insurance is the rejection of health insurance claims. As a consumer, surely it feels angry, irritated, Dongkol, nano-nano because so far have paid the insurance premium on a regular basis and timely, then the claim is rejected precisely when it is Butuh-Futuna.
From discussions with some insurance agents, who have been in the unfortunate and fed salt acid in the insurance industry, I draw conclusions from them that insurance companies are essentially very unwilling not to pay for health insurance claims. Insurance companies understand their reputational risk if they refuse to pay policyholders ' claims.
Insurance companies are aware that insurance business is about reputation, good name, so strongly avoided ' word of mouth ' negative is mainly a matter of payment of health insurance claims. Especially in today's digital era hoax is very easy to propagate. Remember, it means worse viral faster than good news.
Then why is the health claim denied insurance that makes the client or policyholder disappointed?
In my opinion, the main source is incomprehension about the clause in the health insurance policy. All terms and conditions of claims are governed by the insurance policy and the customer actually has sufficient time to read the policy.
Insurance companies cannot violate the provisions of the policy because the restrictions in the policy are made to determine the level of premium and manage the risk of claims faced by insurance companies. In short, the insurance company must comply with all provisions in the policy to ensure the sustainability of the company.
Insurance provides the right to study the policy (' free-look period ') for 14 business days to the policyholders since the issuance of the policy and if there is a clause in the policy that does not match the policy can cancel the insurance policy and the premium money has been paid reversed.
In health insurance, the terms and conditions in the policy become very important because the types of health claims vary with the condition of different customers, so the chances of dispute is quite high. Unlike, for example, with life insurance, which is very straight forward, the insured dies then insurance pays the insured money according to the policy.
If a policyholder assesses an insurance action that is not in accordance with the policy, it can deliver the complaint to the insurer or to OJK as an insurance supervisory institution in US. In the policy there are also procedures for filing complaints, including involving third parties in the event of a dispute.
My advice is to read the health insurance policy well – good to avoid disappointment when claiming. Discuss with the agent if there is an unclear policy clause. The correct Agent will definitely help explain the contents of the policy well.
There are several provisions in the health insurance policy that are important to understand by policyholders regarding the claim process, which I want to underline, namely as follows:
Firstly, pre-existing conditions that all diseases have been suffered by the insured (whether known or unknown by the insured) before the policy is approved then health insurance does not replace the claim of the disease.
I quote directly from the insurance policy book "Pre-existing Condition: Any illness, condition, injury, or disability:
– Existing or existing; Or
– Where the cause exists or has existed; Or
– Where the insured and/or dependents have known, there have been signs or symptoms or illness; Or
– which is indicated by the results of laboratory tests or other investigations indicating the possibility of certain conditions or diseases; Before the policy issuance date or the date of its change (Addendum), whichever is last. "
The terms are quite clear and strict.
What I know, some types of diseases must have been in the sufferer for a long time and did not appear to be – suddenly. For example, asthma disease, which is hereditary and therefore has long been suffered by the sufferer. If new asthma claims are being claimed, insurance will definitely conduct an investigation to ensure that the asthma disease is new after the policy is effective.
Secondly, insurance has a period of elimination, i.e. the claim will not be paid if undergoing hospitalization caused by the disease within 30 days from the date of policy issuance or policy change (Addendum). In short, for 30 days since the policy rises, the policyholders cannot claim.
Thirdly, the insurance company establishes a list of some diseases that cannot be claimed within 12 months since the policy was issued. If the insured claims one of the diseases of Ang is included in the list in the period of 12 months since the policy rises, the insurance company does not replace the claim for the disease.
The exceptions are for both points above, two and three, i.e. the condition does not apply if the insured and/or liabilities undergo inpatient due to accident.
So, in case of an accident, the insurance replaces the claim, although it is still within 30 days or 12 months for certain diseases.
Fourth, there are many exceptions in the policy, but I select some that I think are important known. An exclusion of claims is not paid by the insurance company if:
Routine medical check-up fee, examination and prevention or treatment fee not associated with the insured's illness and/or liabilities know, rehabilitation fee without doctor's recommendation, preventive cost ( Prevention of diseases) including immunization and vaccination, food supplement, rest costs, telecommunication costs, the cost of television rental following its channel, refrigeration costs including its contents and other costs that are not related to medical care ; Or
Treatment/treatment arising in connection with or resulting from congenital abnormalities, congenital defects, or hereditary diseases, whether known or not; Or
The insured and/or dependents have been diagnosed with cancer by a physician where signs and symptoms have been diagnosed and/or under treatment within 90 days from the policy start date or the effective date of the policy restoration ( Whichever is happening last); Or
Not done in hospitals or clinics and hospitalizations not done in hospitals (e.g. treatments performed at Spa/sauna/salon), and other – others.
Besides the exclusion condition, another thing that is not less important is the policyholders convey true and honest information to the insurance company.
There are clauses in the policy stating that "remarks, statements and explanations in the application process are incorrect due to fraud and/or counterfeit elements. In this case, the insurer has the right to cancel the insured at any time because of the untruth. " Insurer is an insurance company.
Health insurance is one of the most sought after. Especially since health insurance is launched, many people need an alternative health care. Family Health is one of which is maintained with health insurance.
This guide covers Cigna, Axa, Manulife, and Allianz insurance . Looking for the best family insurance and good health insurance in Us.
Hopefully, this guide can help you choose the best health insurance for family, cheap and good premium.
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